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A Star War's Story From Fallen Order to Survivor


A Star War's Story

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

This is how the story began. In a galaxy far, far, away. Set five years after the Revenge Of The Syth and the completion of order 66. Somewhere between episodes 3 and 4. The Jedi were scattered across the Galaxy. The few that remained after the purge, were hidden like needles in a hay stack. The days of Jedi freely roaming and protecting where over. Darkness had fallen, now. The Empire had a hardon for eliminating the remaining Jedi. Jedi's were labeled and wanted as traitors. The inquisitor and Second Sister were tasked with a mission. A mission hellbent on the destruction of every last Jedi starting with Cal Kestis.

Cal was once a Padawan, Learning how to harness the force since childhood. Of course Cal had refused to use his abilities. For obvious reasons. Anyone, who sees a Jedi, is to report them directly to the Empire. They had eyes and ears everywhere, not to mention a burst of Jedi force energy would be white amongst a backdrop of bloody-red dark forces.


He choose to hide amongst the workers on a planet known as Bracca. Bracca was a large salvaging yard planet. Filled with broken ships mostly from the clone wars. The perfect place to disappear, within the fiery of over worked and under paid, disgruntle employees. Well almost perfect. The yards where flooded with empire minions. Stormtroopers, droids, etc. They were listening, acutely attuned, waiting, patiently. So Cal was extra careful. He had made a friend on Bracca and his name was Prauf.

No one talks about the Fallen Order, it is no more...

Cal and his friend Prauf ended up on the top of a huge salvaged empire ship. Whilst looking around they found an X-Wing that most have been left over from the clone wars. Prauf was so excited about their finding and voiced his opinion as such. "Think of what we can get for this!" Cal told him to keep his voice down. No one talks about the Fallen Order, it is no more. Cal was always careful, until one day, this day, something awful happened.


Suddenly they heard a noise and saw something like a gigantic octopus tentacle coming out of nowhere. From the bottom of the shipping yard a beast raged. It was big, humongous, and for some reason, completely pissed off! In the wild swinging of its tentacles, it managed to knock out one of the main supports holding in place where they where standing. The support snapped and the whole section dropped. A 45° angle, makeshift slide was created. No mater if they wanted to or not, they were now sliding towards death at the end of this ride.


Cal and Prauf had no choice in the matter. They slide towards a sudden drop at the end of the ledge. Cal fell over and was dangling from some cables he had caught himself on. Prauf was holding on to the edge for dear life. Then something terrible happened. He lost his grip and fell to an assured death below. Without even a moments hesitation. Cal dug deep and brought forth as much force energy as he could muster. He hadn't used the force in so long, but in this sudden, desperate moment, Cal remembered. Cal called upon the strength of the force within him and reached out to slowed his friend's descent. He successfully sets him safely down on a sizeable machine used to carry salvaged goods. When Prauf landed, a beam fell ontop of him, but Cal had no time to help now, they needed to get out of there and hope nobody saw anything. Cal used the force once more to jump down and land on the machine. The driver of said machine was dead. So Cal quickly pushed the body out of the way and drove. Cal knew It was over. His mundane life, slaving away in the yards, was done. It was a boring life, granted, but, it was a safe life. Cal, had no time to think of the consequences now. They where in trouble and Cal needed to find a place to land or crash, so he could save his friend. They did not land but crashed, rather successfully though.

He Calls Upon The Strength of the Force Within

They where down now, that's all that mattered. Cal quickly ran to help his friend by lifting the beam off of him. They then walked on. Prauf remained curious. "What was that back there? Did you do that? Was that the force!" Giddiness in his voice, he asked. Quickly Cal shushed his friend. "Careful what you say." The empire is listening, he indicated. Yes, they were. Ears and eyes where everywhere.

From a Distance, A droid is Watching

He saw Cal use the force to stop his friends fall. The Droid contacted the empire. They where now on their way.
Cal and Prauf caught a train back to the job site. While on the train Cal fell asleep. In his dream he was on the same train, sitting in the same place, minus his friend. Cal got up and followed a figure in the distance, that looked like Prauf.

Just then the train carriage turned into a republic ship

At the end of the corridor was a door. Cal walked, for what but it seemed he was going nowhere. The hallway kept growing. Finally he reaches the end and reached to open the door when suddenly the door opened, seemingly by itself, and he finds himself face to face with his old master Jaro Tapal. Long dead now. Jaro grabbed Cal and said, "Remember. Trust no one. Trust only in the force." Just then he let go and Cal was back on the train sitting next to his friend again.

The Empire had caught on. The inquisitor was on the case.

He quickly locked on to the general area where the droid said the force user was seen. It came from somewhere in a shipping yard on Bracca. So to Bracca they went.


The train they where on, suddenly stopped. "Something's going on," one of the worker's said. Just as he finished those words, stormtroopers stepped into the carriage. Yeah, something was definitely up. The stormtroopers escorted them all off the train and ordered them to line up.

A tie-fighter came over the horizon and landed swiftly with style. The Second Sister jumped out. The inquisitor had joined the party, by way of his own route. The Second Sister herself threatened the group of men with tall tails of how the Jedi are the enemy and anyone who is protecting them will be marked a traitor to the empire. "If someone doesn’t step forward, we will erratic you all, with a quick, but painful death," The Second Sister stated. Cal's friend Prauf, foolishly steps towards the sister. "I think it's about time someone came forward." Cal was shocked and tried to stop his friend from getting himself killed. Cal could not let him take the fall for what he is and for what he did. But Prauf continued on anyways. Telling them about what the Empire has really done for them. Absolutely nothing. "Everything is worse now," he exclaimed. "Engineers working as scrappers?" He couldn't keep his mouth shut. As he stepped even closer towards the Second Sister he said rather heroically, "To the Empire we are all expendable!" That's when the Second Sister light up her lightsaber and stabbed Prauf straight through the chest. "Expendable indeed," she said. "Nooo!" Cal shouted then light up his own lightsaber and jumped towards the Second Sister. They crossed beams in a dead lock of buzzing lazer sparks. Cal was weak and out of practice. The Second Sister used a force push to easily push Cal away. The Inquisitor catches him, rather amazingly, and says, "I found the Jedi!" Cal squirms and lights up his lightsaber again. The Inquisitor drops him and he falls into a canal. This is were the game, sorta beginnings.


Cal gets stuck in a fight with the Second Sister. He tries to beat her but is extremely unsuccessful. Rescued, just in time, by Cere Junda and Greez Dritus. Greez was flying the Mantis, Cere was on the ramp reaching out her hand. Cal jumped Cere caught him and pulled him up the ramp to safety. No matter If he wanted to or not, he was now, on the same mission they were. A mission to help rebuild the Fallen Order. Damn the Empire!


As Cal, you adventure across several planets, remembering your force powers as you grow into a Jedi. Cal and his travelers find out just how far the Empire will go to eliminate all like him. The order has fallen, now it was just the few that hoped to grow and lead the rebellion, towards restoring the Order. Cal becomes a huge thorn in the Empire's side. Cal and his friends, track down a Holocron containing a list of force sensitive children's. Cal destroys the holocron stating that training a new generation of Jedi will only make them targets for the Empire. At the end of the game Cere discovers that the Second Sister is her old pupil named, Trilla. They make their peace, then Cere watches her die by the hands of Darth Vader.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Set 5 years after Fallen Order. This is how the story of Survivor began. They caught Cal Kestis in a
night market. The CSPofficers claimed he was trying to buy a crate of electro-proton bombs from a Chagrian arms dealer. Maybe he was, but they arrested him while he was sleeping. Of course Cal had to have a plan.

Cal was taken away in handcuffs and flown to level 2046 on Coruscant, as a prisoner of the Empire, and as a special treat for the Senator. The level was quickly cleared of civilians for the senators arrival. When Cal and his arresting officers landed, they were hassled at check points, but had clearance to pass. The Senator was rarely seen in public, and precautions were always put in place. Although the Senator has never met Cal Kestis. There is no security against a Jedi. A Droid takes Cal by the handcuffs from one of the CSP officers and leads him on to a landing pad to meet the Senator. The droid forces Cal to kneel in front of the Senator.

“Failure is not the end. It’s a necessary part of the path. Hope will always survive in those who continue to fight.” -Eno Cordova

"Jedi are a rare quarry these days." The Senator barked at the lead arresting officer, “what else have you brought me?” The officer steps forward and slowly opens a case he had been carrying. The Senator reaches into the case and pulls out a lightsaber. “See that he gets paid.” The Senator said to someone. “Hope this isn’t the last time we do business,” the officer said as he was leaving. If he only knew how short the Senator’s life really was. The Senator circles Cal, while holding the lightsaber in his hands. He rattles off a list of disturbances to the Empire that Cal has been responsible for. “All while flaunting this. For everyone to see.” He grips the lightsaber and holds it up high. His plans are to turn Cal over to the Emperor, but first Cal would lead him to the rest of the Jedi. So he thinks. Cal says, “I can't.” Then claims he’s the only Jedi left. “I will find them.” “In there,” the Senator points to his yacht, “I got other tools. Or maybe I just use this!” He fires up the lightsaber and puts it to Cal’s throat. The lightsaber was Cal’s old master's Jaro Tapal. The Senator takes the lightsaber away from Cal’s throat and drones on while circle him again, “this lightsaber will be a relic, the children will never know the Jedi traitors.” As he continues to speak, BD sneaks up behind him and plants a bomb, on the Senator’s yacht.

“I’m sure the Emperor won’t mind if I bring you to him in pieces!” He holds the blade once again, close to Cal’s throat.

Suddenly the lightsaber goes out and the Senator stands there mystically confused. He tries to fire up the saber again, and again, and again, completely unsuccessful. Cal slowly starts to stand.

“You've got classified military intel stored on your yacht, and you just brought it right to me.” Cal says.

The Senator starts to panic, a little, but not much… yet, but he’s definitely getting impatient. He still can not work the lightsaber. Cal is now standing at his full height when BD sneaks in and cuts his restraints. “Thanks BD,” he exclaims. Now the senator is starting to panic.

You as Cal use the force to take the lightsaber from the Senator’s hands. You Force push a stormtrooper over the edge, and slice through a few of the others. The Senator jumps aboard his yacht and starts to fly away as a flurry of stormtroopers jump off and attack. With little effort, Cal continues to slash through and exterminate them all, quickly and swiftly. Cal watches as the Senator’s yacht, starts to take off.

"Not so fast.
BD hit it!"

Suddenly the ship explodes with a burst of EMP, crippling the yacht’s controls. “And now he comes to me.” Cal says rather at ease. The yacht falls backwards towards Cal and BD. “He’s coming in a little hot.” Cal exclaims. The understatement of the year. It was coming in real hot and Cal needed to move, real quick. The yacht hits and manages to take out the landing platform and turning it into a metal slide. Cal, with no choice, slides down it and grabs onto a bar at the end. Then the bar swings out. He holds on tight. It’s a long ways done from here. The bar stops moving and Cal finds himself many levels below the Yacht. Cal starts his journey back up to the ship and the Senator’s intel. This is were the game almost begins. You as Cal, climb and climb searching for a way back up to the Yacht.

“What ever intel the Senator’s got stashed... 
I hope its worth the risk.”

Cal reaches to pull himself up on to a new platform, when a Stromtrooper, comes out of nowhere, and points a blaster at his head. A Police Officer steps up next to the stormtrooper. A shot was heard. The storm trooper goes down. The Officer removes his helmet and Cal see’s Bode Akuna’s face, smiling back at him.

It is later found out that there may be some arbitrary ulterior motive for why Bode hasn’t seen his daughter and why he truly is helping.

In a Cantina On Norsid

Cal was caught off-guard by a bounty hunter. a pair of twins named Koob and Lizz  jump in and free him. They throw the bounty hunter down a mind shaft. Together they all walk away. Friends ever since. And that’s how Cal met his new teammates, the twins.

They ran into Bravo whilst on their way to the yacht.

Bravo use to fly for the Republic. He runs along side them and tells them, “Gabs sliced the yacht. So the senator can’t call for help. He’s locked in pretty tight.” Shortly after they catch up to the rest of the team, Gabs, and the twins. They pull up a holographic map of the yacht. “That yacht's a Sienar Ramsidian.” Bravo says. Cal points to where the intel is on the map. “Could give us a fighting chance against the republic.” They part and continue towards their destination, where they will meet up again. 

Cal and the team finally make it to the Yacht.  BD slices open the door and they go inside. The Senator was caught in a corner. “Unlock the terminal.” Cal demands. “I will never give you access.” then Cal used a Jedi mind trick to make the Senator give them access to his terminal. No more demanding, just commanding. Another holographic map pops up. Except this one is different. It’s a map of the galaxy. It doesn't say but I believe it's another map of all the force sensitive users, and everywhere they are. “why don’t you give up. You’ll never win,” the Senator growls. Cal holds up the lightsaber in front  of his face. “Some day, your children will see this, and know the Jedi never stopped fighting.” Gabs tells Cal to wrap it up. Cal turns away. “what do you want us to do with him.”

“We’re taking him?” Cal answers with a sting of murder in his voice, “yes. To Saw Garrera.”

As they exited the yacht, they were hit by a blast from out of nowhere. Knocking them all back. It’s the Empire. The Senator pushes past Cal and says, “what took you so long?” his words were stopped dead in there tracks as a lightsaber, seemly out of nowhere, flew with only the talent of someone using the force, and went straight through the Senator’s chest. The Ninth Sister force pulls the Senator and the newly wedged lightsaber towards her. She looks into Senator Daho Sejan eyes and says, “you have been caught harboring a traitor.” She than yanks the lightsaber out of him and quickly lets him drop dead. The Ninth Sister gives the attack order and two small ships appear and start firing at the team. One of them is an inquisitor named  Dank Farrik.  Gabs dies trying to save Cal in the crossfire. Koob and Lizz die as well. Cal tries to take his revenge on the Ninth Sister, right there, right then, when suddenly one of the ships  explodes and comes crashing towards him. He jumps off the yacht, hoping to land safely. Now he needs to find his way to the Mantis and so his journey begins. With the intel he has, he hopes to help reestablish more of The Order and bring down the Empire.


On Cals journey, after losing his entire new team, he meets up with his old team mates again,  Ceres Junda, Greez Dritus, and Merrin after 5 years of being separated. Cal was given the Mantis to help against the Empire. Greez started a salon called Pyloon’s Salon, named after his great-grandmother. Cere was focused on rebuilding The Order, as well, and Merrin was just exploring the galaxy… all of it. There is a strong attachment with Jedi Cal Kestis and Merrin that started in Fallen Order. Of course it is Forbidden to taste of the fruit of attachment as a Jedi. Yet Cal don't mind the attention. Will he break his oath? Who knows.


The long time dormant Zee droid, gives Cal a device used to open the meditation chambers, scattered across the Galaxy.  She was tasked with watching over them.  Zee was caught, but before she was she gave Cal the device. She had now entrusted him with the task she was given. They find a hidden planet outside of the Empire’s reach that may hold Jedi. It may be the safe haven they all had been searching  for. Now all they must do is survive against the empire.

Star wars jedi: Battle Scars

If you want to learn more about the story after Fallen Order and before Survivor. There’s a book called Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. I was gonna get this book myself, but the reviews were  terrible. I may still get it anyways cause I’m a huge fan of the Star Wars Galaxy. I am not suggesting or not, not suggesting. 


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