A Star War's Story Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order This is how the story began. In a galaxy far, far, away. Set five years after the Revenge Of The Syth and the completion of order 66. Somewhere between episodes 3 and 4. The Jedi were scattered across the Galaxy. The few that remained after the purge, were hidden like needles in a hay stack. The days of Jedi freely roaming and protecting where over. Darkness had fallen, now. The Empire had a hardon for eliminating the remaining Jedi. Jedi's were labeled and wanted as traitors. The inquisitor and Second Sister were tasked with a mission. A mission hellbent on the destruction of every last Jedi starting with Cal Kestis. Cal was once a Padawan, Learning how to harness the force since childhood. Of course Cal had refused to use his abilities. For obvious reasons. Anyone, who sees a Jedi, is to report them directly to the Empire. They had eyes and ears everywhere, not to mention a burst of Jedi force energy would be white amongst ...